This was a big one!! Thanks to Mommy forgetting to go back for the flu booster, little Luke had to get FIVE shots today. Yes, that's five sticks. Poor baby. He was such a big boy though. He screamed really loud at the time, but got over it quickly and was all smiles when we went over to visit Daddy at work.
We're still in the 75th percentile for height and weight--30 1/2 inches tall and 23 pounds, 6 ounces. Walking--and running--is our main mode of transportation now, really for the past month. From 10 months until then he would walk until he fell then just crawl the rest of the way. At around 10 months we taught him the sign language for "more" and "all done," which helps a little with his frustrations at meal time. He gives high-five like a champ and signals for a "touchdown." He still loves music and dancing.
"Mama" is in his vocabulary, but he refuses to use it. Aparently, it is funny to come back with a loud "DADA" whenever anyone encourages him to say it and you know the snacks called "Mum-mums?" Those are called "Da-das." Cute. Real cute. Ha ha! I do think it is funny. Some of his newer words are "juice," "cheese," "hot," "shoes," and "see it!" "See it" is his favorite thing to say as he points wildly to whatever he's trying to get his hands on. Thankfully, he is starting to say "I see it." This is better because it sounds less like profainity, depending on the inflection. Sometimes it just sounds like "Ah, {beep}!" if you know what I mean. He loves to play with toys he can ride and makes the "buuuuuuuudin" sound as he pushes them and he will sometimes tell you what a cow says. ("Moo," in case you were wondering.)
The bottle is officially out and we are phasing in whole milk. If we give him straight milk, warm or not, he spits it right out. Half and half with formula and he drinks it just fine. The 12 month info sheet from the doctor says he won't be eating much right now, but I think he is a good eater. We usually give him eggs, toast, cheese and fruit for breakfast, something like Progresso soup (thanks, Rachel!), cheese and fruit for lunch, and whatever we are eating for dinner. Cheese is his favorite and he is a big fan of pizza. For snacks he still loves biter biscuits and Mum-mums, (excuse me, Da-das), yogurt, more cheese, Ritz crackers and Yogurt melts. Even if we can't get him to drink a lot of milk, I think we're good on calcium!
Most days he still takes about an hour nap in the morning and two hours in the afternoon. Bedtime is anywhere from 7:00 to 8:30 (and has been for many months) and it is unusual for him to sleep less than 11 or 12 hours. This is what has gotten me through, so far. When the naps stop or if he stops sleeping that long at night for some reason I will most likely be checking myself into Bryce. This child is truly "Wild at Heart" with not a moment of stillness or peace when he is awake. Don't misunderstand, I love him for it and I wouldn't have it any other way, but I would not have survived this long if he was not such a good sleeper! What a blessing!
He is getting to be such a big boy...just precious! I am with you on the sleeping thing. That is how I survive!
ReplyDelete"See it" is definitely our favorite. Luke is going to be so big the next time I see him... killing me!!