Wednesday, September 30, 2009

I have to share this with you...

Denise sent me a link to this blog today. This is a girl named Callie who lives in Birmingham. She was recently diagnosed with a Grade 2 Astrocytoma, a brain tumor. Please be prepared to cry tears of laughter and sorrow.

I have only read a few entries and it has already put a few things in perspective for me. (Like not being a baby about Kyle giving me a flu shot). Her attitude is incredible and honestly, it scares me a little. For the past couple of months I have been working on my walk with the Lord. There have be some small, but significant, changes in my life that have been direct and obvious answers to prayers. I have been learning so much through sunday school and Brother Johnny at First Baptist and through our study of the Praying Wife and now Apples of Gold. (More on Apples later...) Part of my fear is--what if I get too close to God? What if He thinks I could handle something like that? And then part of the fear is like a ride at Six Flags. Just knowing you're not in control and you can enjoy the ride...

In John Williams sunday school class this week we talked about where we are as a Christian on a scale of 1-10. Shay said that most of us are right in the middle, where it's comfortable. I agree with that. I don't want to be too bad, so I don't get punished or too good so that I am chosen to be an example of how a Christian should react in tough times. I'm not saying this is correct reasoning. I know that bad things happen to all of us, lost or saved, "good" Christian or "bad." I'm just saying I can't help thinking that way.

You know the Dare Devel Dive at Six Flags where they strap you in and pull you way up high then you pull the cord and do a free-fall toward the ground? I feel like I'm at the top. I just need to take the plunge.

1 comment:

  1. I so know what you mean about being scared that God is thinking you might could handle something major! I think about things like that a lot and am glad to know I'm not the only one.

    Sorry I haven't commented now. I've been keeping up with you on here for a couple of weeks now. Thanks for the shout out and pictures of us SS folks. :)
